Wie is 28b207e8 (Pixelbar Rotterdam )?

Cache Generated on 13-01-2025 06:53:16 :: Expires 07:23:16

Node Identiteit
NodeID 682756072
NodeID Hex# 28b207e8
Verkorte naam Pbr1
Lange naam Pixelbar Rotterdam
Eerste Update 18-12-2024 00:33:45
Laatste Update 09-01-2025 20:14:46
Node Basis Details
Hardware Tbeam
Firmware 2.5.16.f81d3b0
Batterij Level 23%
Air Util TX 0.07
Primair kanaal LongFast
Rol Cliënt
Node Overige Details
Antenne Niet ingesteld
Antenne hoogte Niet ingesteld
Antenne richting Niet ingesteld
Gebruik Onbekend
Stroomvoorziening Onbekend
Heeft GPS Nee
User Details
Telegram Niet ingesteld
Provincie Zuid-Holland
Mijn Pagina

Pixelbar is the hacker space of Rotterdam and surroundings.

A hacker space is a physical space in which both hackers and those interested in science, technology, or digital art (and many other areas) can meet and exchange ideas. At Pixelbar there is the opportunity to work together, and of course there is also the space to work independently on a project. While a hacker space is not a maker space, we do have a few facilities available.


Mijn Node(s)
# Node ID (Hex) Short Long Rol Hardware
09 Jan. 20:14 28b207e8 Pbr1 Pixelbar Rotterdam Cliënt Tbeam
MHeard [Gehoord door]
# NodeID Long Short Wanneer

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